About NoMuda - NoMuda MES VisualFactory

About NoMuda

NoMuda VisualFactory 2002

NoMuda VisualFactory Today

About NoMuda

Through 25 years of first-hand experience, the team at NoMuda fully understands the difficulties faced by manufacturing networks.

We know what it feels like to have Microsoft Excel Macros seemingly running your Production only for someone to change something and for it all to come crashing down

We know what it feels like to have a Production stop with a lack of clear information.

We know what it feels like for the daily morning review to feel like a series of War Stories of yesterday rather than a data-driven discussion.

From the CEO and throughout NoMuda, we have a high amount of Manufacturing experience from many sectors. This of course finds its way into our award-winning MES system, VisualFactory, which we know is built by Manufacturing people for Manufacturers.

Choose Us

NoMuda VisualFactory is steeped in the Toyota Production Systems Lean Manufacturing approach.

NoMuda itself is a combination of the English word No and the Japanese term Muda, meaning waste. Lean manufacturing ensures that you always use the fastest, safest, and lowest cost process to deliver right-first-time quality. We aim to meet operational needs with reliable and secure software solutions. We help our customers meet regulatory standards whilst improving quality, productivity, and effectiveness within the manufacturing industry.

Our VisualFactory software has decades of use within some of the world’s largest manufacturing facilities. Being a modular-based platform, our solutions quickly begin the paperless transformation, adding traceability and quality measures along the way.

We truly believe our product is the best of its kind on the market, bringing a level of functionality that is unmatched.

How Can We Help You