Robotics - NoMuda MES VisualFactory

NoMuda Industries


Robots may be autonomous, but right now they still need to be assembled by humans.

Experience has taught us that waste is created every time a human deviates from the optimal process. NoMuda VisualFactory works to empower your shop floor by providing your operators with a clear step-by-step process to ensure right first-time production. This is communicated through on-screen Work Instructions that have been created and maintained by your product experts.

We give you access to a shop floor that is going to keep up with the huge advancements being made in robotics. Our skilled development team can create bespoke codelets to further integrate VisualFactory with your process.

Every move is recorded in VisualFactory, allowing you to offer your customers full traceability. This information can be used to provide a value-added after care service to maintain quality for your customers.

You can be assured that your data is safe. VisualFactory is securely stored on the cloud or inside your corporate firewall. We are ISO/IEC27001 accredited and can work with you to ensure that we are meeting any other necessary requirements and regulations.

VisualFactory is being used to manufacture some of the worlds leading Autonomous Vehicles.

“VisualFactory has allowed us to consistently build to cost, quality and time targets on our products”.
Saab Seaeye


Saab Seaeye

Our customers include